"When people give you advice, they’re really just talking to themselves in the past.
Austin Kleon "
"she was extending a hand that i didn’t know how to take, so i broke its fingers with my silence."
–j. s. foer
"Nie myśl o tym, jak długą drogę masz przed sobą. Nie mierz odległości między startem a metą. Takie rachuby powstrzymają cię przed zrobieniem następnego małego kroczku. Jeśli chcesz zrzucić 20 kilogramów, zamawiasz sałatkę zamiast frytek. Jeśli chcesz być lepszym przyjacielem, odbierasz telefon, zamiast go wyciszać. Jeśli chcesz napisać powieść, siadasz i zaczynasz od jednego akapitu. Boimy się poważnych zmian, ale zazwyczaj mamy dość odwagi, żeby zrobić następny, właściwy krok. Jeden nie-wielki krok, a potem kolejny. To wystarczy, żeby wychować dziecko, zdobyć dyplom, napisać książkę, spełnić swoje najśmielsze marzenia. Jaki powinien być Twój następny, właściwy krok? Nieważne, o co chodzi – po prostu zrób to."
–Bóg nigdy nie mruga. 50 lekcji na trudniejsze chwile w życiu, Regina Brett
need to write. That's the only thing that will make your writing
better. You're afraid to write something that's shit, that dishonors.
But even Hemingway said, "The first draft of anything is shit."
It's just a starting point. You have to get something down in the
rough before you can perfect it.
about your ancestors are what you should write. They engage your
feelings because they mean something to you. You need to be
emotionally engaged in your story. If you write about things that you
don't feel about, you won't care about the material, and it will be
gray, flat, and lifeless.
start. Once you get your first draft, go back through and polish. Do
it until you're happy with it. Walt Whitman, the famous poet, started
writing Leaves of Grass at 37, and kept rewriting it to perfect it
until he died at the age of 72. You don't have to publish it. You can
keep it secret, and polish it until it shines with its own light. Read More »
"Mam cię na tyle w dupie, by odpisywać pojedynczymi wyrazami, bez kropek, przecinków i polskich znaków. Chuju."
–Ochocki, Vithren
"Jestem tak głodna zrozumienia, opieki, że poprzeczne bruzdy na moim czole zdają się układać w napis „Welcome”. Pomimo tej desperacji przy wejściu dokonuję ostrej selekcji, której właściwie nikt nie przechodzi pozytywnie, bom nieufna jak ślepiec wypuszczony samotnie na przechadzkę po obcym terenie."
"My brain hums with scraps of poetry and madness."
–Virginia Woolf, Selected Letters
"“When something bothered me, I didn’t talk with anyone about it. I thought it over all by myself, came to a conclusion, and took action alone. Not that I really felt lonely. I thought that’s just the way things are. Human beings, in the final analysis, have to survive on their own."
–Haruki Murakami
"Epilogue: Manifesta To Young Women and Girls
Find a man Seek protection The world is scary Don't go out You are weak Don't care so much They're only animals Don't be so intense Don't cry so much You can't trust anyone Don't talk to strangers People will take advantage of you Close your legs Girls aren't good with: Numbers Facts Making difficult decisions Lifting things Putting things together International news Flying planes Being in charge. If he rapes you, surrender, you will get killed trying to defend yourself Don't travel alone You are nothing without a man Don't make the first move, wait for him to notice you Don't be too loud Follow the crowd Obey the laws Don't know too much Tone it down Find someone rich It's how you look that matters, not what you think. Read More »