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There's another one worth watching. This is a fragment from a Polish document...

There's another one worth watching. This is a fragment from a Polish documentary called The Parade by Andrzej Fidyk. It was made in 1989, when the North Korean government celebrated the 40th anniversary of the state's founding, trying hard to overshadow the Summer Olympics which took place in South Korea the year before. Polish filmmakers were the most disciplined of all the teams invited from the countries considered as friendly towards the totalitarian regime at the time. They followed every rule and used all the instructions provided by the North Korean government without any commentary, gaining them a praise from the hosts. Ironically, the ridiculously positive statements made about Kim Il-Sung, along with the footage reveal in fact the reality of the totalitarian system at work. The viewers outside of North Korea could easily recognize the artificial behaviour of their officials, the absurdity of their propaganda and the critical points made by the filmmakers. Again, there was no need for additional commentary, the totalitarian government ridiculed itself without any help.  Read More »


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The best comedy about North Korea, far better than The Interview, was made six years ago.

It’s called The Red Chapel, and it’s a documentary about two Danish-Korean comedians (and their director/manager) who go to North Korea to perform for Kim Jong Il.  The idea they had was that they would do subversive comedy, they would come up with a sketch that looked like goofy slapstick but slyly mocked the North Korean government, and it would be a hilarious slap in the face to do it right in front of Kim Jong Il.  That big silly wouldn’t even know they were making fun of him!  Ha!

Over the course of their stay in North Korea, the idea falls apart.  It becomes clear during rehearsals that their government minders are very aware of anything that could be the slightest bit subversive (or even really funny), and if any of that makes it into the final performance, the consequences will be Read More »

"Być może w ustach osoby w moim wieku zabrzmi to trochę głupio, ale chcę, żeby..."

"Być może w ustach osoby w moim wieku zabrzmi to trochę głupio, ale chcę, żeby wszystko było jasne: należę do ludzi, którzy lubią być sami. Podkreślę to raz jeszcze: jestem osobą, która nie cierpi z powodu samotności. Godzina lub dwie codziennego samotnego biegania, podczas których z nikim nie rozmawiam, oraz kolejne cztery czy pięć godzin samotnego siedzenia za biurkiem nie są dla mnie ani trudne, ani nużące. Mam taką skłonność od najwcześniejszych lat, kiedy - mając wybór - znacznie bardziej wolałem czytać książki albo słuchać w skupieniu muzyki, niż spotykać się z innymi. Zawsze mam mnóstwo pomysłów na to, co mogę robić sam."

–Haruki Murakami "O czym mówię, kiedy mówię o bieganiu"